workaholism as a lifestyle choice, teh snark

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  • Things I Learned at Work Today

    zingerella Feb 21, 2008 14:59

    1) The only way to drown in quicksand is to fall in headfirst, or get stuck during low tide and be unable to extricate yourself by high tide.

    2) The best way to extricate yourself from quicksand is to move the part of you that's stuck (usually a leg) slowly, to loosen the sand, and create space for water to flow into ( Read more... )

    transdimensional transmogrification, editing, workaholism as a lifestyle choice, dangerous slinkys, my exciting life

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  • A post that doesn't involve any brightly coloured text

    zingerella Feb 20, 2008 13:23

    Surfacing briefly to let you all know that the new job is full of deadlines. They hired two editorial project managers, and we're both busy full time. I have no idea how the Director Editorial, and the Assistant Director Editorial were doing it all themselves ( Read more... )

    editing, workaholism as a lifestyle choice, my exciting life, woe!

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  • Language of Oppression, Language of Respect, and the Etiquette of Written Prose

    zingerella Dec 09, 2007 02:01

    Part of an ongoing series of musings about language and oppression, and bias-free* language (or, as I prefer, affirmative language or language of respect).

    Cross posted at This Crazy Industry. Feel free to comment here or there. This version has additional linky goodness ( Read more... )

    morals vs manners, grammar, usage, editing, does she ever shut up?, english, rampant prescriptivism, feminism, workaholism as a lifestyle choice, patriarchy blaming, holding forth, that damned backpack

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  • Compounding Things

    zingerella Oct 17, 2007 15:27

    Things I have learned today:

  • mine shaft is an open compound.
  • keystroke is not.
  • jet pack is not in the Oxford Canadian Dictionary; however, jet boat is, and it's an open compound, from which we may extrapolate that jet pack is also an open compound.
  • scorecard is a closed compound.
  • There's a style sheet for the blackline masters that go with the ( Read more... )

    usage, editing, workaholism as a lifestyle choice

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